Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fat Bombs! What Are They? Why You Should Be Eating Them. Make a Fat Bomb For Your Weight Loss?

Fat Bombs are all the rage today. Learn how you can get fab eating these delicious treats and why you should get on the fat bomb train now!

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What are fat bombs? 

Suddenly these things are everywhere! Fat bombs are high fat, low carb sweet or savory treats. Usually made from a combination of butter, coconut oil, unsweetened chocolate, avocado, nuts, nut butters and seeds, fat bombs were initially designed for the Ketogenic diet which is a high-fat, low-carb diet that induces ketosis, which is a state where the body burns it's own fat for energy. Oftentimes fat bombs have been consumed by low-carb dieters which has been ideal for them. Think of them as bite size energy balls that are made with healthy fats and not made with your typical oats and dried fruit.

What do fat bombs do? Why should you be eating fat bombs?
First of all, lets get straight the kind of fats that should be in fat bombs. According to scientists, we should be getting 20% of our daily calories from "good fats". If consumed properly, this ball of fat will be utilized by the body as a source of energy and will keep your carb cravings at bay. 

Are fat bombs good for you?
Our bodies need fat! The bottom line is this...your body needs "good" fats, protein, and "good" carbs to function properly. Eating this way will regulate your hormones and help you lose weight. The body is an amazing machine and you will be surprised that when you nourish it the right way, you body will do exactly what you want it to!

How many fat bombs should I eat in a day?
You need to watch your portion sizes. No one said you can eat them all day and lose weight. Eat one or two for a mid-day snack or if you are not a big breakfast person, have one or two to kick your metabolism into start mode.

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Why would I want to add more fat to my diet?
Eating good fats in moderation makes your body very happy! Moderation is the key word here. 

What are good or healthy fats?
Coconut oil, grass-fed ghee, nuts, nut butters, unsweetened coconut, avocado, unsweetened chocolate, cream and seeds.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Working Out in the Morning is Best for Stress, Not Muscle Gain!

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I'm sure we can all agree that doing cardio in the morning feels fantastic! It is a great stress relief and gets you on track before you day starts. 

But, if you are looking to boost muscle strength and size, studies show early evening (5 to 7pm) is the best time to weight train.


For cardio the reason in obvious. You have to turn your metabolism on! It makes complete sense that cardio in the morning is the way to go!

For weight training you should eat and fuel your body a few times before weight training. This is what gives you energy to do the workout AND what builds muscle! The food you are putting into your body is feeding those muscles! You will have a stronger more effective workout after eating the proper macros throughout the day, then you go in for your workout and BOOM! You have massive amounts of energy, you can lift heavier, AND your muscles will be saturated with the proper nutrition. 

Cardio Days - Make sure you eat breakfast and do your cardio in the morning. This will light a fire in your metabolism. HIIT training is the most efficient form of cardio and you will continue to burn fat and calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.

Weight Training Days - After eating a few meals throughout the day, do your weight training between 5 and 7pm. Your body will be well fueled up and ready to do your workout. While weight training and after, your muscles will soak in all that nutrition and do what you want them to. A 2009 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that there are greater muscle gains in the early evening. This is also found to be your strongest time of the day. You will be able to lift heavier which is what you need to do to increase muscle mass.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Burn Fat While You Are Sleeping! The Best Cardio You Are Not Doing!

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Do you find yourself running for hours every week on the treadmill with no results? 

This is the case for many of you because you have not discovered HIIT training. Well my friends, today is your lucky day! HIIT training is the most effective way to melt fat in the shortest amount of time! Who doesn't want that! Read on...

What is high intensity interval training (HIIT)? HIIT training alternates between intense bursts of activity and less intense activity or rest. There are so many benefits to training this way!

1. You burn more fat during and after a HIIT workout! Yes, you heard it right. You continue burning fat for up to 24 hours after a HIIT workout.

2. It is healthy for your heart! When you do a HIIT your heart literally feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. This extreme way of training puts your body into the anaerobic zone. This is actually very good for your heart.

3. HIIT training is super time efficient! You burn more calories in a shorter amount of time! If you do a 15 minute HIIT you will  burn more calories that running on the treadmill for an hour!

4. You don't need any equipment! Just need YOU to push your heart to it's max and there are different ways you can do this like high knees, fast feet, running, get the idea.

5. You'll in increase your metabolism! Training this way not only increases your fat burning it stimulates your human growth hormone HGH during the 24 hours after your workout. HGH does not only increase your calorie burn by up to 450 percent, it slows down the aging process! Definitely a win win!

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